Kyla Hartnell


About me

Kyla was born and raised on skates in Saskatchewan, but is now firmly rooted on Vancouver Island. She obtained her physical therapy degree in 1996 from the University of Alberta and continued westward, working at many of the best clinics in Western Canada before settling in Nanaimo, BC. In 2001, she successfully completed the internationally recognized Advanced Diploma of Manual and Manipulative Therapy (FCAMT). In addition, Kyla is certified to practice IntraMuscular Stimulation (CGIMS), a dry needling technique used to treat chronic pain especially of spinal origin. Athletically, she has completed numerous international marathons, Ironman Canada, and competed at a National level in basketball and softball. She has worked extensively with national amateur and professional hockey and rugby players and loves the challenge of getting athletes performing their best as quickly as possible post injury. Kyla also has a strong interest in treating neurological conditions and occupational injuries.

Member type
Practising A
CPA Number
Virtual Care / Telehealth
(250) 751-0222
Public email
Additional qualifications
Fellow of Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT)
Special areas of practice
Sports therapy
Pool therapy
Orthopaedics (muscles/joints)
Manual therapy
Joint replacement rehabilitation
IMS (intramuscular stimulation)
Ergonomics (functional capacity evaluations/workplace health)