Tanja Yardley: What physio means to me

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Tanja Yardley

Whenever I reflect on my 20+ years as a Physiotherapist, I cannot help but smile and feel a wave of gratitude. I started my physiotherapy training at 18 and have not had a single moment of regret. I belong to a profession that changes the world, one person at a time. I am fortunate to work in a community of Physiotherapists who embody passion for their profession, compassion for their patients, and tremendous community spirit. I have been honoured to be in the presence of patients who had the capacity and heart to overcome tremendous obstacles and rebuild their lives, with hard work and sheer tenacity, in their treatment sessions with me. I am inspired and impressed every single day and I feel grateful to be a participant and a witness to the kind of miracles that happen when strength and spirit unite.