Paul Girard: What physio means to me

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Paul Girard

I think physio means health care that tries to get to the truth.  We need to look on all that we do with a suspicious eye - because we need to ensure that our work is effective and indicated.  We are doing that - and I'm proud of it.  We continue to pursue best practices throughout the spectrum of injury management.  

I think, also, on a bigger scale physio must continue to move forward with progressive support of public health policies. Physiotherapy has always had an eye toward prevention, and we need to be leaders in the current discussion regarding our toxic food environment.  The unrestricted food and beverage industry has gone too far - with the inundation of excess and unhealthy food marketed and available to us at every turn.  Just like our society in the past demanded public health regulation of clean water, clean air, and alcohol and tobacco controls, we must address and demand regulation of appropriate nutrition controls.  We physios are in a great position to lead this change and reverse our overweight/obese epidemic.  We see in our patients every day the damange of long-term chronic illness that results from this nutrition problem, and we know that exercise prescription is only part of the solution.  So let's continue to be part of the process that allows our society, our patients, to better make informed and healthy food choices.