Janette Leitch: What inspired me to become a physiotherapist

Janette Leitch

In a word, Lynn Steacy.  We met in a remote place called CFS Holberg on the northern tip of Vancouver Island.  I was a lifeguard and Lynn would come in to the pool with 2 young boys who had, I later found out,  Muscular Dystrophy.  She worked with them in the water several times a week.  I was curious and asked her what she was doing and why.  Her answer lead me to Physiotherapy and a life long career helping people achieve their goals while fullfilling my need to have a career that was portable.   My husband was in the military.  I  moved 20+ times in the coures of my career, lived in 3 provinces, raised 2 boys and have always been able to find a job when I wanted one.