Cook St. Village Health Centre

Sees worksafe patients

CSV Health provides Victoria BC residents complete multidisciplinary health and wellness. We offer comprehensive health management from a team of talented health care professionals.

Not surprisingly, a common finding in current research is that it is not one specific type of practice or treatment that is showing the best results. Rather, it is when we combine the effects, the cumulative knowledge and skills of different treatments and techniques, that we are able to fully address the whole patient, and provide comprehensive health management.

This is why we are offering combined treatment options in family practice, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic care, registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and registered clinical counselling all under one roof in Victoria’s lovely Cook Street Village neighborhood. We encourage you to explore them.


Cook St. Village Health Centre
1075 Pendergast
Suite 200
Victoria BC V8V 0A1