Orthopaedic Division Intermediate Practical Exam Prep Course 2022/2023 @ Treloar Physiotherapy Clinic

To prepare applicants for the April 2023 Orthopaedic Division Intermediate Practical Exam.  Each session will include instruction on manual therapy assessment and treatment techniques, medical conditions, and mock scenarios.  Clinical reasoning will be emphasized throughout the sessions. 


Instructors include (but not limited to):

Carol Kennedy, BScPT, MCISc(manip), FCAMPT

Deb Treloar, BSR, FCAMPT

Curtis Wong, BScPT, FCAMPT

Fraser Perry BHK, MPT, FCAMPT

Yvonne Lynch B.Sc(Kin), MPT, FCAMPT

Christine Balkwill, BScPT, FCAMPT

Stacy Benmore, MPT, FCAMPT

Robin Eisler BScPT, FCAMPT



Completion or in the process of completing Level 3 Upper and Lower Quadrant Courses in order to take CAMPT Intermediate Exam in April 2023.


Session List:

The proceeding 14 sessions will begin the first week of September 2022, and continue weekly until the first week of December 2022.  Each session will run on a specified weekday night (likely Tuesdays) from 7:30pm-9:30pm; exact dates and order of sessions TBA.

1. Lumbar Spine

2. Pelvis

3. Hip

4. Knee

5. Ankle

6. Foot

7. Craniovertebral

8. Cervical Spine

9. Thoracic Spine

10. Shoulder

11. Elbow

12. Wrist / Hand

13. Neuro / Dural

14. TMJ / Review


The 15th session will be a Mock Exam held in January 2023.


To register or for more information, please contact Yvonne Lynch at ylynch@treloarphysio.com

Start date
End date
Event cost
In person

Treloar Physiotherapy
595 West 8th Ave
Vancouver BC V5Z 0C4

This is a paid advertisement. This course is not audited, endorsed, or produced by PABC. If you have any questions, please contact the private organizer.