CPA Congress Funding from PABC


PABC provides funding for members (including students) to attend CPA Congress. The funding is intended to allow PABC members to:

  • Promote communication between PABC and CPA.
  • Provide PABC leaders in professional and clinical issues with an opportunity to be recognized at the national level.
  • Support excellence in leadership, research and practice amongst PABC members. 


PABC will fund expenses for a few members (including students) annually to attend the CPA Congress according to the following guidelines:

  • Applicant must be a member in good standing of PABC
  • Preference will be given to members who:
    • Are actively involved with the association.
    • Have been invited to present a paper or poster session at the event.
    • Have not been granted funding from PABC to attend an educational event within the last 4 years.
    • Have been members of the association for at least 2 years.
    • Are not being funded by their employer to attend.
    • Are receiving a CPA award.


  • Applicants must provide a written application for funding, indicating what the funds will be used for and the amount of the request. An ad hoc committee of up to 4 members will review applications and make recommendations for Board approval.
  • Amount to be awarded to the successful applicant may vary according to the number of applications received. (The total amount to be allocated will be split amongst successful applicants).
  • Monies may be awarded for up to 50% of the registration fees (early bird rate), travel and/or accommodation expenses (to be specified at the time of award). Living expenses will not be funded.
  • Disbursement of funds will normally occur following the event and receipts must be provided. In exceptional cases, funds may be disbursed before the event.


Check out the CPA website for more info on the CPA Congress.


Download Application for CPA Congress Funding Here

*We are currently not accepting applications. Please contact us for further information

Phone: 604-736-5130 ext. 2

Physiotherapy Association of BC
#402 1755 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5