March is Lymphedema Awareness Month

Lymphedema month

An estimated one-million Canadians are living with lymphedema. However, as one BC physiotherapist explains, this condition is often under-diagnosed and under-treated in Canada. (source)

Sonja Redden is a physiotherapist and certified lymphedema therapist. She explains this life-long health condition is caused by damage to the lymphatic system, leading to a build-up of fluid in the affected body parts.

This is where certified lymphedema therapists, such as Redden, are able to help. They provide a complete spectrum of care, using a client-centered approach. 

Lymphedema is a condition that can be successfully treated and managed – every person with lymphedema should have access to a certified lymphedema therapist for support.”

- Sonja Redden, Certified Lymphedema Therapist.

Redden explains there is a great need for certified lymphedema therapists. She believes as awareness about the condition grows, so will the demand for these therapists.

Learn more about lymphedema, assessment, treatment, patient perspectives, and more, via the Canadian Lymphedema Framework.

If you would like to pursue training to become a certified lymphedema therapist, Redden recommends you start your search by finding a school that provides a recommended minimum of 135 hours of lymphedema training, such as these.

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