ICBC: Treatment Plans & Vendor Number Reconciliation

Treatment Plans and Vendor Number Reconciliation

Treatment plans

Health care providers are encouraged to visit ICBC’s Treatment plan page for resources on completing a treatment plan form. Examples of treatment plans can also be found on this page. If a customer requires additional treatment to reach their functional goals, the health care provider must submit a completed treatment plan form to ICBC.

Vendor number reconciliation

ICBC Supplier Programs is in the process of reconciling vendor accounts, as outlined with the launch of the Health Care Provider Invoicing and Reporting (HCPIR) application. Vendor number requirements can be found on ICBC's Vendor number page.

An ICBC Supplier Programs Coordinator will email the health care provider or clinic to request updated information. Health care providers or clinics are encouraged to reach out to their Supplier Programs Coordinator with any questions or concerns regarding the requested information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this an audit?
A: This is not an audit. Vendor reconciliation is an ongoing process for all health care providers or clinics who have been issued a vendor number.

Q: What if I can’t submit all the documents within the timeline given?
A: If there are any concerns regarding the submission timelines, please reach out to the Supplier Programs Coordinator so they can make the necessary accommodations.

Q: Does this apply to me if I am employed by a clinic and don’t have my own vendor number?
A: No, if you do not currently have a vendor number, this information does not apply.