From ICBC: Enhanced Care Webinar Refresher & Happy Holidays 2021

ICBC Update December 2021

Happy Holidays from ICBC

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the past year and look forward to the New Year.

We’d like to take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for your continued support in helping British Columbians in their recovery and in helping evolve Enhanced Care. We’d also like to share our appreciation for your continued commitment to our customer’s care and recovery during the ever-changing circumstances of the global pandemic.

We wish you all the best for the holiday season and for the upcoming New Year!

Coming soon - Health Care Providers survey

Health care providers play an integral role in the support and care of British Columbians injured in a crash. We want to understand how the changes under Enhanced Care have affected you and your practice since May 2021.

We’ll be sending you a voluntary survey that will help us understand your experience to date and where there may be opportunities to improve Enhanced Care. The information you provide will be anonymous and will be used by ICBC’s Research and Claims Injury teams for the purpose of analysis. Results will be reported anonymously, in aggregate to ICBC’s Leadership and Board.

Watch for the survey link coming early January.

Reminder: Customer Surveys

ICBC regularly conducts voluntary customer surveys so we can verify health care providers are invoicing appropriately. These surveys are a standard business practice and do not suggest any wrongdoing by anyone.

ICBC randomly selects customers who have received treatments from health care providers on a monthly basis. These customers will then receive a letter from ICBC with a list of treatments associated with their claim. If they did not receive one or more of the treatments listed in the letter, they will be asked to complete an optional survey. ICBC may contact health care providers if further information is required to validate treatments.

As we move further into Enhanced Care, we’ll be increasing the number of surveys so please let us know if you have any questions.

Recordings Now Available: Enhanced Care Refresher Webinars

Thanks to everyone who attended our Enhanced Care Refresher webinars last month! We received positive feedback and hope you found them helpful. Couldn’t attend live? No worries! Check out the discipline-specific sessions here.