Muscle Tuning™ BEFORE Therapy Yields Better Results

Muscle Tuner Specialist® Program Information

Were you aware you could achieve more with your Manual Muscle Testing skills? 

Are you frustrated because you can’t unravel some complex challenges? Are you dissatisfied that some patient’s results won’t hold? Are you concerned that some patients do not observe measureable results in a reasonable amount of time?

Are you curious to:

  • efficiently select the best method to rapidly facilitate muscles
  • address chronic pain in new ways
  • release emotional stress trapped in tissues without ‘talk therapy’
  • reset the body’s electrical circuits simply and increase neuromuscular integration
  • lock in the gains of each session

You can build upon and utilize your manual skills so that you and your patients achieve desired outcomes quickly, consistently and satisfactorily.

We will show you new ways to restore neuro-muscular communication. This is essential to perform before progressing with the treatment plan especially when working with complex patients, those who haven’t been responding as desired, or when therapy results were not durable.  

Experience short protocols to help you resolve issues that cause resistance to therapy, contribute to improper muscular communication patterns and which cause new problems to develop. Solving these problems is important to patients.

You will be able to restore optimal facilitation for most muscles, tendons and ligaments rapidly. You will be able to improve blood and lymphatic circulation issues and reduce proprioceptive input stress. You will be able to communicate directly with the patient’s nervous system to untangle reactivity issues, simply. 

We are different because our proprietary techniques quickly identify and address over-facilitation which is a major contributor to pain and dysfunction. Our techniques also help reduce emotional stress trapped in the body which can hold back rehabilitative progress. Therapists who experience our demonstrations observe that we achieve results in a much different manner than they anticipated. If you aren’t ready to think outside your usual toolbox, then you’re probably not a good fit for what we do.

The Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program is a proven system based on over 40 years of applied research originating from physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture. We have distilled key information and streamlined it to make it convenient for you to achieve home-run results without investing a lot of time. 

You can learn all these skills online and at your own pace. Customers consistently report they appreciate the well-organized chunks of videos and the convenience of the accompanying full colour manual. Plus, we include online group coaching. 

You can attend a seminar in-person or virtually to ensure you are doing everything right for an additional fee. This event leads to practical and written exams and the right to use our trademark: Muscle Tuner® Specialist. 

Plus, you can access extra personal coaching as needed. You will always have our support.

Extend the effectiveness of your therapies, get rapid and durable results for your clients and get noticed by WorkSafeBC and ICBC for higher success rates. Contact us, register for one of our virtual Introductory events (see link below), or act now and enroll today! 


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A satisfied customer states: “I found the Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program suited my professional needs. The series of videos and assignments were well done, very clear, and presented at the right pace so that I could follow all the techniques as they were demonstrated. This program offers a thorough system to pick up on subtle imbalances that could be missed in a traditional physiotherapy session. I like that we can also affect neurological connections and reflexes that indirectly improve general health.”  
~Simone Manfredi, BScPT

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End date
Date note
Enroll anytime.
Event cost
$987 includes evergreen online access, materials, group coaching and taxes.

Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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