Jeremy Smith



About me

Jeremy was born and raised in Fort St. James, BC. He initially graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2002 from UBC. However, his passion for helping others led him to complete a Masters in Physiotherapy at Leeds Metropolitan University in England in 2010. After completing his physiotherapy training in the U.K, Jeremy returned home to Northern B.C. to begin his career. 

Jeremy has over 12 years of experience in treating a wide range of injuries and has completed several post graduate courses including: shoulder, hand, wrist, neck, back, concussions, soft tissue techniques and functional dry needling. 

Jeremy has just recently completed his Certified Hand Therapist designation, which gives him specialization in treating injuries of the upper limb (hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder). 

Member type
Practising A
CPA Number
Additional qualifications
Orthopaedics Level 1
Mckenzie Part A: Lumbar Spine
Soft Tissue Release
Acupuncture and/or Dry Needling*
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT)
Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)
Concussion Management
Special areas of practice
Sports therapy
Orthopaedics (muscles/joints)
Manual therapy
Joint replacement rehabilitation
IMS (intramuscular stimulation)
Hand therapy
Chronic pain