Restore Physiotherapy New Westminster

Restore Physiotherapy New Westminster

At Restore Physiotherapy, we pride ourselves on providing quality, comprehensive physiotherapy treatment in a focused, one-to-one setting.   Our mission is to blend the art and science of physiotherapy in helping our clients maintain healthy, active lifestyles.

At Restore Physiotherapy you will get the undivided attention of your physiotherapist for the entire duration of your treatment session. You can choose to book either a 30 or 60-minute appointment.   This focused, one-to-one approach facilitates the development of a more comprehensive treatment plan and allows for more productive treatment sessions with more time for patient education, manual techniques and supervised exercise.

Our aim is to identify and correct the dysfunctional movement patterns that are often at the root of pain and injury.  This facilitates a more complete rehab process, and empowers the patient with the knowledge of what to do to prevent, minimize or self-manage reoccurrences.

We look forward to helping you restore your movement, function and confidence so that you can get back to doing the things you love to do.


Restore Physiotherapy New Westminster
402-555 Sixth St
New Westminster V3L 5H1