On The Coast Physio - Sechelt

On The Coast Physio: Clinical interest has been focused on the pelvic floor and abdominal dysfunction, both female and male, as well as perinatal health. 

Pelvic floor physiotherapy has become a part of a holistic approach to one's well being.  While pelvic floor dysfunctions are common, they are not easily talked about.  This should change with a knowledgeable, caring approach to allow for the fullest quality of one’s life.

Understanding how to work with clients to ensure they receive the best care possible is a priority. A thoughtful, sensitive and personalized approach means a full commitment to the health and well-being of all of the patients.

Virtual Care / Telehealth available. 

(604) 989-6828

5691 Mermaid Street
Sechelt BC V0N 3A3