The ScoliClinic - Vancouver

Virtual Care / Telehealth

The ScoliClinic is British Columbia’s only private Physiotherapy clinic fully dedicated to serving children, teens, and adults diagnosed with scoliosis, Scheuermann’s Kyphosis, and other spinal deformities. With clinic locations in Vancouver, North Vancouver, and Surrey, we aim to help growing and aging spines stand tall from the inside out. 

Our diverse team of scoliosis-trained Physiotherapists (via the Schroth Method principles) and Registered Massage Therapists advocate for conservative treatment approaches and educating our clients, our peers, and the public on the importance of early identification and early treatment. We’re dedicated to treating children, teens, and adults with these spine conditions by focusing on the physical AND emotional components, and treating each person as a whole. 

(604) 336-0238

The ScoliClinic
6632 Main Street
Vancouver BC V5X 3H2